Pomegranate Fruit
Content of pomegranates contain high kaldium ions, vitamins A, C and E and folic acid are contained in it. In addition, the sump Pomegranate juice is also known for having a high content of flavonoids which are able to ward off free radicals and able to improve the body's cells are damaged. In addition it is also able to protect from various types of deadly diseases such as heart, cholesterol, cancer and so on.
As for the benefits of the pomegranate for health include:
- Removes Bad Cholesterol
- Overcome Digestive Disorders
- Deal With Dysentery And Cholera
- Reduce The Risk Of Heart Attack And Stroke
- Ward Off Cancer
- Dental Care
- Prevent Babies Born Prematurely
- Reduce The Risk Of Developing Alzheimer's Disease
- Reduce Wrinkles